
This page provides a quick introduction to Bartacus and introductory examples. If you have not already installed Bartacus, head over to the Installation page.

Extension structure

Below you see a basic extension structure for Bartacus with one content element. Typical TYPO3 extension files are not shown.

+-- Classes
|   +-- Controller
|   |   +-- TextController.php
|   +-- AcmeContent.php
+-- Resources
    +-- views
        +-- Text
            +-- text.html.twig

As you can see, the important class in your extension is the AcmeContent.php, which transforms your extension into a Symfony bundle. Obviously it uses similar naming convention as Symfony, so take a vendor name and your extension name and camel case it together. Don’t forget to add the AcmeContent class to your AppKernel.


namespace Acme\Extensions\Content;

use Bartacus\Bundle\BartacusBundle\Typo3\Typo3Extension;

 * Transforms this extension to a "symfony bundle"
class AcmeContent extends Typo3Extension


Now the content element controller:

// typo3conf/ext/acme/Classes/Controller/TextController.php

namespace Acme\Extensions\Contact\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class TextController extends Controller
    public function showAction($data)
        return $this->render('AcmeContent:Text:text.html.twig', [
            'data' => $data,

To get the content element controller registered in the frontend, add the following to your global plugins.yml:

# fileadmin/app/config/plugins.yml

    path: /content/text
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeContent:Text:show }

For the backend, add the TCA stuff as usual. More information about content elements as controllers are found in the Content Elements section.

Accessing the container

The Controller class from Symfony provides some convenient methods to access the container. Alternative the container is accessible via $this->container.

$service = $this->get('service_id');
// or
$service = $this->container->get('service_id');