Content Elements

With Bartacus you are able to dispatch content elements to Symfony controller actions. This creates a harmony with the future ability to dispatch routes directly to Symfony and not to TYPO3.


To dispatch content elements to Symfony, Bartacus makes a trick with a special plugin routing style. To make this work you have to activate the Symfony routing, although the routing.yml can be empty. Your content elements are configured in the plugins.yml. Add this to your main config.yml:

# fileadmin/app/config/config.yml

        resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml"
        strict_requirements: ~

        resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/plugins.yml"
        strict_requirements: ~

An example contact form looks like the following:

# fileadmin/app/config/plugins.yml

    path: /contact/form
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeContact:Contact:send, _cached: false }

You have to take care about the naming convention of the path part. The first part is always the extension key and the second part the plugin name. This naming is a MUST. Otherwise it won’t work. This would be the equivalent to a tx_contact_form plugin class of pi_base plugins.

The _cached parameter is optional and if not given, it defaults to true. If false, the content element is created as USER_INT and will not be cached.

You can also import the plugin configuration with the usage of a prefix, which simplifies the path a little:

# fileadmin/app/config/plugins.yml

    resource: "@AcmeContact/Resources/config/plugins.yml"
    prefix: /contact
# typo3conf/ext/contact/Resources/config/plugins.yml

    path: /form
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeContact:Contact:send, _cached: false }

Configuration of the TCA for inserting the plugin in the backend and available fields MUST be done in Configuration/TCA and Configuration/TCA/Overrides as usual.


The code for the content element is simple like a Symfony controller.

// typo3conf/ext/contact/Classes/Controller/ContactController.php

namespace Acme\Extensions\Contact\Controller;

use Acme\Extensions\Contact\Form\Model\Contact;
use Acme\Extensions\Contact\Form\Type\ContactType;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class ContactController extends Controller
    public function sendAction(Request $request, $data)
        $form = $this->createForm(new ContactType(), new Contact());

        if ($form->isValid()) {
            /** @var Contact $contact */
            $contact = $form->getData();

            $emailTo = $this->getParameter('');
            $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
                ->setSubject('New message: '.$contact->getSubject())
                ->setFrom(is_array($emailTo) ? $emailTo[0] : $emailTo)
                        ['contact' => $contact]


            return $this->render('AcmeContact::thanks.html.twig');

        return $this->render(
                'header' => $data['header'],
                'form' => $form->createView(),

The data which is usually retrieved via $this->cObj->data in old pi_base plugin is now injected into the $data parameter of the method if it exists.


Bartacus mocks the Symfony http foundation kernel requests, which means you have access to the Request instance as a sub request as seen above and must return a Response instance, but none of the usual kernel events are dispatched.

TYPO3 new content element wizard

If you want to have a content element in the new content element wizard it’s as easy as adding some defaults to the plugin configuartion:

# typo3conf/ext/contact/Resources/config/plugins.yml

    path: /form
        _controller: AcmeContact:Contact:send
        _cached: false
            title: Contact form
            description: A form for the user to contact you
            icon: contact_form.png

The icon is expected to live in typo3conf/ext/contact/Resources/icons/wizard/contact_form.png and should be 32x32 pixels big.

Organise in new tab

To put the element into your own tab/header simply add the header param to _wizard:

# typo3conf/ext/contact/Resources/config/plugins.yml

    path: /form
        _controller: AcmeContact:Contact:send
        _cached: false
            header: Special forms
            title: Contact form
            description: A form for the user to contact you
            icon: contact_form.png

Restrict in rootline

Maybe element in the wizard should be only shown in given page rootline? Simply add the rootline param:

# typo3conf/ext/contact/Resources/config/plugins.yml

    path: /form
        _controller: AcmeContact:Contact:send
        _cached: false
            header: Special forms
            title: Contact form
            description: A form for the user to contact you
            icon: contact_form.png
            rootline: 181